One hour of moderate-intensity activity per day, such as brisk walking, is ideal. Increasing the frequency of physical activity in a disciplined and purposeful way is often crucial for successful weight loss. Regular exercise is vital for both physical and mental health. Share on Pinterest Regular physical activity can help a person lose weight. Engage in regular physical activity and exercise People can also keep track of their body mass index ( BMI) using a BMI calculator. Those who can track their success in small increments and identify physical changes are much more likely to stick to a weight loss regimen. They can also measure their progress by recording their weight on a weekly basis.

People can use a paper diary, mobile app, or dedicated website to record every item of food that they consume each day. Self-monitoring is a critical factor in successfully losing weight.
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A nutritionist, dietitian, or another healthcare professional can advise a person how to get enough nutrients while they are following a weight loss program. In some cases, removing certain foods from the diet might cause a person to become deficient in some necessary vitamins and minerals.