After that, you simply head back the way you came to complete the hike. You can climb on top of the rock and even get up close for some great pictures. When you turn the corner and see the arch rock with its 30 foot arch resting on top of a pile of rocks it is pretty amazing. It is straightforward to get to, and almost everyone should have no problem with it. Arch Rock is nestled in the White Tank Campground next to site nine, and it is about a half-mile walk to the rock. However, there are a few rocks that are their own attraction based on the way they were uniquely formed these rocks are arch rock and skull rock. In between these trees, many rock formations are often climbed by the rock climbers that visit the park. A dense Joshua tree forest also exists in Mojave National Preserve, in the area of Cima Dome.” It thrives in the open grasslands of Queen Valley and Lost Horse Valley in Joshua Tree National Park.

This monocotyledonous tree is native to southwestern North America in the states of California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada, where it is confined mostly to the Mojave Desert between 400 and 1,800 meters (1,300 and 5,900 ft) elevation. Ranchers and miners who were contemporary with the Mormon immigrants also took advantage of the Joshua tree, using the trunks and branches as fencing and for fuel for ore-processing steam engines. The tree’s unique shape reminded them of a Biblical story in which Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer. “The name Joshua tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century. A little history on the Joshua Tree is as follows: These trees are unique to this area and have an otherworldly look that sets them apart from other plants. While driving around Joshua Tree, you are met with thousands of the plants mentioned above strewn across the horizon line. This post is from 2011, read my updated Joshua Tree Guide here. This blog post is dedicated to the last three, Arch rock, Skull Rock and the Cholla Cactus Gardens as they can all be completed by driving around and just getting out of your car for a couple of minutes.

While we were there, we hiked Ryan Mountain, Barker Dam, Arch Rock, Skull Rock, and the Cholla Cactus Garden. For the rock climber, hiker, or adventurer, it holds miles of hiking trails and vertical rock walls to scale with days of adventure to fill up your time. Located in Southern California, Joshua Tree National Park is a beautiful area that has thousands of acres of barren desert with different plant life and rock formations dotting its bleak landscape.